Keeping It Bold, Candid, and Irreverent

Seeking informative, relevant, entertaining, and forward-thinking content for your event or group? Over the past 50 years, Bill Petrie has delivered high-quality, interactive, and purposeful education sessions with the goal of helping promotional products professionals overcome the challenges they face. Bill has been the featured speaker and spoken at numerous regional, national, and international events including the PPAI Expo, Expo East, ASI Fort Worth, ASI Chicago, skucon, skucon Chicago, skucamp, The TOM Experience, High Five Conference, Wild Wednesday Webinars, HPPA, PPAS, PPPC, CAAMP, CPPA, GAPPP, SPARK, and PPAMS MidSouth Show. Bill always leaves his audience educated, entertained, and eager to put actionable ideas to work in their respective businesses.
To learn more about how Bill can work with you to create marketing, branding, and sales discourse through the lens of relatable analogies, inspirational storytelling, and engaging humor, visit Bill's speaking website by clicking the button below.