A big thanks to our friends at Shepenco for sponsoring. As you’re writing down your goals for 2024, make sure you’re doing it with a writing instrument from Shepenco! They would love to see you in Las Vegas at the PPAI Expo – just stop by booth #5405 and let them know Bill and Kirby sent you!

Yes, it’s time for ep. 183 of the Promo UPFront #podcast with Kirby Hasseman and Bill Petrie! This week the co-hosts discuss suppliers closing up shop for the holidays – and the post in the Promotional Products Professionals group on Facebook that ignited the conversation, share some really insightful tradeshow tips for new and seasoned attendees alike, ponder the five threats that need to be taken seriously according to PPAI Research, make the final football picks for good for PPEF, and so much more!