Mid-Week Marketing Moment
In this weekly video series, brandivate shares actionable lessons to help your marketing and branding reach new heights.
A brand new episode drops every Tuesday at 1:00 PM Central.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 21
Promoting Theft
It's more challenging than ever to secure the attention of your target audience. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we share the biggest advertising advantage you have - and how to leverage it to grow your business.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 20
Hills of Truth
If you want to succeed in business, there will be hills you must overcome. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, Bill Petrie shares those hills and why it's so critically important to overcome them.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 19
Question Everything
Far too often, we simply do things because it's safe, easy, and the way we've always done them. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we share why it's important to question everything.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 18
The Voice vs. The Echo
In every aspect of business, there are voices and there are echoes. In this episode of the brandivate Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain that being a voice is a far better indicator of success.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 17
The Loyalty Illusion
We hear all the time that clients aren't loyal like they were in the "good old days." In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we shatter that myth and explain how you can avoid the trap of expecting loyalty.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 16
When Yes Is Wrong
In this edition of the Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain why it's important to sometimes say no...even when you want to say yes.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 15
Standing in Line
It's foolish to intentionally choose the longest line, yet people do it all the time. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we offer some suggestions for shorter lines to business success.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 14
The List
Whether you realize it or not, you're on someone's list. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment we explain it's not only important to create a list of your own, but ensure you're on the RIGHT list.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 13
Taking Risks
There's no security in playing it safe. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment we explain how risk needs to be an important part of your plan.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 12
Your Brand - Part 2
In this Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we conclude our short series on ensuring your brand connects with your audience by focusing on three core concepts to keep in mind when building your brand.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 11
Your Brand - Part 1
In this edition of the brandivate Mid-Week Marketing Moment we give you a bit of homework to truly assess your brand and what it means in the marketplace.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 10
Bad Marketing Matters
There's no such thing as bad marketing. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain how even the worst marketing will lead to success.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 9
Not Good Enough
In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain how you can move away from being good enough to something far more impactful and successful.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 8
Creativity is Meaningless
In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we share why you should never use the word "creativity" to set yourself apart from the competition.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 7
Giving Employees Rope
In the employer/employee relationship, both parties have responsibilities. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain those obligations and how that impacts the overall organization.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 6
Is It Urgent?
Sometimes we all treat life as if the winner will be the one who responds the fastest. In today's edition of brandivate's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain how that approach is destroying the quality of your work.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 5
Lunch Pail & Hard Hat
Despite what people want to believe, there are no shortcuts or secrets to success. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we share why it's important to do the work - especially the difficult work - every single day.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 4
Resisting Change
Change - it's as inevitable as death and taxes. In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain why complaining about change isn't exactly the greatest business strategy.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 3
Tap the Brakes
Rushing through one thing to get to the next? In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we share why that's not the best approach to quality work.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 2
Trends Are Traps
In today's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, we explain why trends are really traps for your business.
Mid-Week Marketing Moment - Ep. 1
Who Are You?
In the debut of brandivate's Mid-Week Marketing Moment, brandivate's Bill Petrie shares how to answer one of the most difficult questions when it comes to defining your brand.